by Alex Kruckman

The CAVE (CAVE Automatic Virtual Environment) is a room equipped for three- dimensional visualization. Projections on three walls and the floor flicker in tandem with goggles to deliver separate left and right eye images and the illusion of depth, while head-tracking software controls perspective. Brown University's Writing Digital Media program uses the CAVE to produce works of interactive and immersive text, which can be viewed in similar CAVEs at other institutions across the country. SMALL is a little study in scale and geometry produced for the Cave Writing seminar in Fall 2008. The viewer is free to move the CAVE in three dimensions, exploring an object from various perspectives and distances. A sample flyby is captured here in two dimensions.

(double click to play)


Alex Kruckman is a senior at Brown University concentrating in mathematics and computer music.


All Material © 2009 The New Yinzer and its respective authors